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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Step One

Today I wrote the voice teacher I have selected requesting lessons. I hope it all works out.

Thursday I also let someone hear my singing clip that I posted here. Maybe it was the wine, but I felt especially open the other night. She had the same reaction as everyone else that has heard it. She liked it, yet she felt like it wasn't connected to breath.

At least I can trust my ear, to some extent, because I know that the sound isn't supported by the body. I just hope that lessons will help me get where I want to go.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Internal conflict

I'm feeling awkward today about my revelation yesterday. Part of me wants to remove the clip from the site, yet the other part of me wants to commit.

Then I started thinking, maybe I should edit what I wrote. Can I call it my soul's purpose if the vocal isn't absolutely perfect? The thin resonance, tentative delivery, and lack of breath support have me itching to take it down.

I should have chosen the name TimidChanteuse instead of TimidIvoryTickler.

I do hold dear the belief that you must be willing to make fashion mistakes to develop your personal style. I'm trying to extend that philosophy to this endeavor. I'm exposing my voice in it's most vulnerable beginnings in hopes that I will eventually mold it into something better.

It is still out of my comfort zone, but I am hopeful.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Saturday, February 20, 2010

Living my truth

While I was at the beauty salon I read an interview of Ellen Degeneres (by Katie Couric). The following part inspired me to write this blog today.

KC: You’re a great role model, because you’ve stayed true to yourself. What advice would you give young women?

ED: Find out who you are and be that person. That’s what your soul was put on this earth to be. Find that truth, live that truth, and everything else will come.

I will confess my truth to the world on this blog. Unfortunately I think only one person actually reads my blog, but it's the thought that counts, right?

I have been working in secret for the past several years on what I believe my soul was put here to do. I want to be a cabaret singer. Not a world famous singer filling stadiums and walking red carpets. Just a person who gets up in front of a piano or a jazz trio and sings songs that show people who I am, and also who they are.

I put a clip on here of my singing. It definitely needs work and I plan on taking lessons this summer. But it's a start, and I feel comfortable enough doing it that I can get through my fear of taking lessons. I really have reached a point where I can't continue trying to teach myself how to sing, but this is how far I've gotten. I want the relief of letting the world know my truth, and I want to move forward living that truth. I am no longer satisfied with singing behind the four walls of my apartment.

So here goes nothing . . .

Thursday, February 18, 2010

New Focus

Today starts the new focus of this blog. More to come this evening.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Under reconstruction

I've decided to broaden the focus of this blog to cover my entire life. Will start anew tomorrow.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
