Interestingly enough, she is the person who has scolded me the most for not seeking medical attention sooner. I'm thankful that I can be here to recuperate, there's nothing like the comfort you feel at your mother's especially when you start to feel really scared and uncomfortable.
These days, beauty school and work consume all of my time, and I hope I'm not drifting too far from my dream of singing live. I haven't found the time to keep up with it, but the past day has reminded me of how important it is to reconnect with that part of me.
I have noticed how connecting with your creativity in one area can spill over into another. Beauty school is really reinvigorating that part of me that I cast to the side in favor of more "serious" and "intellectual" pursuits.
Only time will tell where this path will lead me. In the meantime I need to take better care of myself, body and soul.
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